Detailed instructions on how to integrate your InteraxAI widget with Memberstack for subscription plans.


How it works

Memberstack allows code injection into your website based on your user's subscription plan by adding an data-ms-content attribute to any HTML element. This empowers your subscribed users with exclusive access to your InteraxAI widget, ensuring a personalized and enhanced experience, while your regular users remain unaffected.


Add Memberstack to your no-code website

To add Memberstack to your website, you need to copy the code snippet provided by Memberstack and paste it into the <head> section of your website. You can find the code snippet by going to the "Settings" page of your Memberstack account and clicking the "Install Code" tab.

Enable modal popup on your InteraxAI widget

You can enable and configure the generation limit modal popup by navigating to your widget's configuration page and then going to the Leads tab.

When enabled, you will see an input for "Whitelisted data-ms-content IDs". The ID you put here should be the same ID you configured on your MemberStack.

Bypassing the popup for your subscribed users

You can bypass the popup by adding a data-ms-content attribute to your InteraxAI script code. See the following example:

Last updated